Freaky Friday Film – Construction Special – Part 2
18 Oct 2018
Tags: Freaky Friday Film – Construction Special – Part 2
As a bit of fun seeing as its October and in the spirit of Halloween, each Friday up until Halloween and our final on Halloween itself, Talk Recruitment Ltd will be posting our favourite Construction / Halloween / Scary inspired movies!
This week’s chosen movie is the 2005 film “War of the Worlds”
This one made our post on the basis of its amazing special effects with its iconic bridge destruction scene, in dedication to all those civil engineers hard work destroyed in seconds by those inconsiderate aliens!
We would love to hear your suggestions on any other Construction inspired Halloween / Scary movies!
In the meantime, if you are finding your current job is scarier than this film get in touch with us to discuss your next career move on 0121 748 1433 or browse our current construction vacancies
#freakyfridayfilm #constructionmovies #halloween #talkrecruitment #constructionvacancies #jobs